If your DRIVER LICENSE has been SUSPENDED, REVOKED, OR DENIED, you are no longer permitted to drive your vehicle. However, you may be able to get a special type of driver license that allows you to drive to and from work or school, and that allows you to perform essential household duties.
Call A. Vega Rubio Law at 512-872-3131 and request a FREE consultation to see if you qualify to apply for an Occupational Driver License.
What is an Occupational Driver License?
An Occupational Driver License (ODL) is a special type of restricted license issued to you if your license has been suspended, revoked or denied for certain offenses.
An Occupational Driver License authorizes you to operate a non-commercial motor vehicle in connection with:
School-related activities
Performance of essential duties
This license will normally allow you to be on the road for 4 hours a day. However, this number may increase up to 12 hours per day pending court approval.
How to Request an Occupational Driver License
To get an Occupational Driver License you must petition the Justice of the Peace, county or district court where you currently reside, or to the court of original jurisdiction where the offense has occurred.
If the court determines you are eligible to apply for an occupational driver license, you will be provided with a signed court order. Afterwards you must submit the order to the Department of Public Safety along with other necessary documentation for the issuance of an occupational driver license.
Documents to submit to DPS before an Occupational Driver License is issued
A certified copy of the petition and a certified copy of the court order granting the occupational license.
The judge has the authority to grant an occupational order.
If you are participating in a special drug court program, the petition is not required
A Financial Responsibility Insurance Certificate (SR-22).
Payment of the occupational license fee.
An occupational license is typically issued for one year or less; the maximum length of issuance is two years.
The court must grant the issuance of an occupational license beyond one year.
Payment of all Reinstatement fees
How long does it take to get an Occupational Driver License?
The effective date of an Occupational Driver's license varies depending on the reason for the suspension and other factors.
If you have no prior suspension arising from an alcohol related or drug related enforcement contract in the 5 years preceding the arrest you can get it IMMEDIATELY.
If your driver license was previously suspended as a result of an alcohol or drug-related offense, there is a 90-DAY WAITING PERIOD.
If your driver license was in suspension as a result of an intoxication-related conviction, there is a 180-DAY WAITING PERIOD.
If there are at least two administrative license revocations on your driver record, there is a MANDATORY ONE-YEAR WAITING PERIOD.
If you request an occupational driver license to operate a commercial motor vehicle, it will be DENIED. An occupational driver license CANNOT be issued for purposes of operating a commercial vehicle during a period of license suspension, revocation, cancellation or denial.
Contact A. Vega Rubio Law today at 512-872-3131 or click HERE for a FREE consultation.